The Pirates of the Pavilion are back!
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We’ve been to see the swashbuckling Pirates of the Pavilion for about 5 years now and I have to say I think this one has been my favourite so far with stunning scenery and costumes, special effects, funny gags and even tap dancing penguins! My little girl had struggled with live performances up until now, partly because she has a short attention span and also because she doesn’t like loud noises but she sat through the whole show without whinging and when we left she said “Mummy, I was so tired but I just couldn’t stop watching!” I never need to worry about my son because the humour is just at the right level for him and he’s quite often the one everyone can hear laughing.
This years adventure sees the pirates heading to the South Pole to defeat the Evil Ice Queen who has cast an frozen spell across the world. With the help of her good twin sister, Sprit of the Seas, the pirates will head to the Icy castle to find her. Myself and my mum were in stitches when they caught her and asked the audience what they should do and one child shouted out KILL HER! Even the cast were laughing when trying to explain it’s panto and said punishment might be a bit harsh!
If you like a festive panto then you’ll be sure to enjoy this show as it has the traditional elements of audience participation and silly jokes. Seadog Billy is always our favourite, he’s just non stop funny and both kids were in tears when they saw his pants!
The whole cast is very talented and everyone put in maximum effort to entertain the audience. Pirate Poppy and Captain Filibuster are great storytellers, the professional dancers wear beautiful glitzy costumes and Spirit of the Seas has many costume changes and the voice of an angel which I could listen to all day. Thanks to the good looking chap who tries to trick the Pirates my children now thrust and say “Woof” everywhere we go! It can get a little embarrassing at times but when a cute 5 year old girl does you can’t really do anything but laugh, so thanks for that!
There is a wonderful surprise at the end which I won’t ruin but with the wintry elements and beautiful singing I found myself a little bit emotional at times. It’s definitely a couple of hours of pure joy and I can’t recommend it enough to anyone who is thinking of booking.
The Pavilion has plenty of treats on sale before the show and during the interval plus there’s light up swords and wands in the foyer should the grown ups wish to purchase one for their own little pirates. Pre show meals are also available in the Piano Bar upstairs.
The show is running every Monday and Tuesday at 2pm and 6pm up until 31st August 2021. If you’ve been to see this show then you can also book for the hilarious Adults Only performance which is on 1st September.
For more information and to book your tickets, please visit the Weymouth Pavilion.
The Pirates of the Pavilion are delighted to offer all NHS workers a 50% discount to standard family performance. To claim the discount please call the Box Office on 01305 783225.
Dorsetmums was invited to see the Pirates of the Pavilion for the purpose of a review however all words are my own.
Image credit: Weymouth Pavilion
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